Tanya Cannaday


As she swirled a ball of energy between her palms, a Reiki Practitioner informed Tanya, “You have healing hands.”  This was in the 1990s, when Tanya was the Health Reporter on assignment for a station in Chattanooga, Tennessee.   Two decades later, those words dislodged from Tanya’s subconscious as she received a profound Reiki healing.  “Do I really have healing hands? Could I learn this practice myself?” she wondered.  After working as a journalist for ten years and for two decades as a pharmaceutical sales representative, Tanya felt a shift, a longing to help others, one-on-one, which sent her on an adventure to discover her life’s purpose.  Now, as a Reiki Master, Tanya remembers those words from years ago, with greater understanding. “We all have healing hands,” she says, “because we can all learn Reiki.


Tanya studied Usui Reiki under Mara Benner of Four Directions Wellness, associated with The GW Center for Integrative Medicine.  Tanya’s nine-month Reiki Master training included Reiki for pets, aura reading and color therapy. She also studied the original Japanese Reiki, under renowned instructor Frank Arjava Petter. In Jikiden Reiki, Tanya is certified in Shoden and Okuden.


The day after graduating from her Reiki Master training, Tanya followed her curiosity into the world of healing crystals via an intense crystal course at the Crystalis Institute with Naisha Ahsian (Samaya Aster), co-author of The Book of Stones, Who They Are and What They Teach.  Over six months, Tanya learned how to consciously work with crystal energy for self-healing.  She experienced the power of crystal energy first-hand through vivid dreams; meditations, including visions from possible past lives; and clearing of emotional trauma.  From there, Tanya studied under The Crystal Academy of Advanced Healing Arts, founded by Katrina Raphaell. She ultimately earned certification as a Certified Crystal Practitioner and Advanced Crystal Master through Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy. There, she learned how to help others through Crystal Chakra Alignment therapy and crystal healing layouts.  


In 2023, Tanya completed seven months of training in massage therapy at the Northern Virginia School of Therapeutic Massage and is licensed as a Massage Therapist in the District of Columbia.  She studied under the highly respected Licensed Massage Therapist and Physical Therapist, Tara Labbafi.  Tanya is trained in Swedish Massage, Muscle Energy Techniques, Neuromuscular Therapy, Trigger Point Therapy, Hot Stone Massage and Therapeutic Massage. 


Though Tanya has found her life purpose, getting there has been a climb. It was only as an adult that Tanya was diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, a condition that has pervaded nearly every aspect of her life since childhood, undermining her confidence and causing her to struggle with depression and anxiety. Tanya’s challenges have informed her new purpose with compassion for the human condition.  It has also left her with a deep sense of gratitude for all the blessings life brings. 


Tanya holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Memphis State University.   In her spare time, she enjoys running and nature walks.  She also creates therapeutic, neurographic and realistic art.  Tanya loves reading and spending time with her husband, Michael, and their goldendoodle, Conan. Â